27 September 2024

Wise Stuff That Came Out of My Mouth:

I'm sure I'm not the first. But while my son was growing he'd sometimes express extreme displeasure at the way his life was unfolding. Frequently I would reply,
"If you wanta keep gettin' what you're gettin', keep doin' what you're doin'."
I know... this is a corollary to "Doc, it hurts when I do THIS!"
SOMETIMES my son would actually listen to me.
Someone needs to have a frank talk with voters.

But would it do any good?
The country needs to take a look at the things we're doing and stop hitting ourselves in the head with that hammer. Sadly, it appears close to half of voters are masochists.
(Hope and Joy!)

Some medicines are hard to take because they are distasteful, painful, or have uncomfortable side effects. (Or some combination of all those.)
Our country has Cancer.
I think it's time for radiation and chemotherapy.

23 September 2024


(Click the "YouTube" link if necessary to watch.)

Those with military service smile at this video.

A couple years ago I had dropped Sara Jean off at a military hospital for her to go to the Pharmacy and pick up her medications. Doing that was taking a little longer than normal.
Waiting in our car I was watching four children in a playground across the street, playing on a swingset.
Suddenly the kids stopped swinging, simultaneously turned to face the same direction, and placed their right hands over their hearts.

I knew instantly what was going on. I got out of the car, faced the same direction as they, and offered the hand salute as "Retreat" was sounded.

The incident brought a question to mind:
These "military brats" are being brought up in homes that know the sacrifice our servicemen and women make in order to protect and support the Constitution of the United States.
They know how to pledge allegiance to the flag.

And, unfortunately, they ARE different than most kids today.

16 September 2024

How Far Is "Too Far"?

I'm trying to add photos/videos here to better make my point, and "Blogger" has clamped down on posting photos we may not have the "right" to share.
So I need your imagination to make this post work.
Imagine the image of Kathy Griffin holding the decapitated, head covered in blood of someone who looks suspiciously like Donald Trump just below here. (If you're not aware of the sickening photo, go look it up now):

You won't need imagination for this one:

Is this okay?
Would it be okay for me to post an image or video of Vice President kneepads being raped and murdered?
I don't think so.

How do we heal from the evil and madness that our media is promoting now? How do I reconnect with friends now that I know how naive/stupid they are?
Lord be with and guide us.

10 September 2024

Let's Do "True Communism" !

We hear so often... "Communism would work if it wasn't perverted by people like Joseph Stalin!"
It's hard to reason against that argument.

If Clem and Ziggy and Herbie all got together to plant a garden for the "benefit of all", and for which they had spent an equal amount to buy seed, then all contributed an equal amount of work to till the soil and plant that seed... then all three spent an EQUAL amount of "sweat equity" to cultivate, water, then harvest and share the fruit of their labor-
That would be true communism.
What are the chances you could get three Alpha Males together to do that?
How often have we seen this scenario tried?

When the Pilgrims first landed at Plymouth Rock... they tried it.
And if it had not been for Native Americans they would have starved.
It's why we now have a holiday called Thanksgiving.

But I'm ALL FOR trying it again.
And this time I want to be in LEADERSHIP of this attempt.
I want the Dacha.
I want the fine car that others will envy.
I want to be able to LOUDLY rail against anyone trying to take advantage of my poor, disadvantaged brethren.
And I want to be able to determine who owns the guns while my considerable security force protects me.

Where can I sign up?
Want a piece of this action?

08 September 2024

If My Head Wasn't Screwed On-

We bought a nice sofa table to install in our living space at our son's home and waited for a day where the weather was completely clear for the three hour drive from our home to his.
Loaded the table into the bed of the truck. It is a solid wood piece and pretty heavy, so Sara Jean could barely lift it over the tailgate.
Got the other incidental stuff we always take loaded and started the journey.
Fifteen minutes down the road and I'm wondering where we'll buy the cheapest diesel fuel along the way when it hits me-
I forgot my wallet.
And my phone.

So we're 15 minutes into our trip. Returning home to fetch my wallet containing my driver's license, credit
cards and cash will consume over 45 minutes.
"We'll just use mine" says my spouse.

So no driver's license this trip.
And I'll be watching my "P's and Q's" on the road.

I gotta start using a pre-trip checklist!

31 August 2024

Living In The Past

I am retired from the U.S. Army.
I am a recipient of the Purple Heart.
When I wear my "Army Veteran" cap folks around me frequently say, "Thank you for your service".
And that is somewhat awkward.
My response is always, "I was honored".
And I am.

To the extent it is possible I still attend reunions-
Officer Candidate School.
Viet Nam Helicopter Pilot's Association.
And the unit I served in while in Viet Nam.

Those reunions are therapy for me.
More importantly, they are therapy for my fellow warriors.
For some of them, those years were the MOST important time of their life.
More than fifty years have passed since our time "at risk" there.
What have we all done in the ensuing 50 years?
Those years were NOT the most important of my life.

I spend these reunion times LISTENING, knowing I can honestly say "I would not trade my Viet Nam memories for anything", but many others carry deep wounds from those experiences.

I still have PTSD.
But I truly feel my problem is pretty minor.
Before we commit our human treasure to war in the future, we MUST consider the long-term effects of our decisions.
And this doesn't take into consideration the material expenditures, which are considerable.

27 August 2024


Some years ago I was, for several days, attending a helicopter safety school and was seated next to an Air New Zealand 747 Captain. I liked the man and the feeling was mutual.
While in that class we received word that a DC-10 had crashed killing all aboard, and I got a chance to chat with him about how he compared the two airplanes.
He indicated there was no comparison.
"The DC-10 was conceived AFTER Boeing conceived the 747. Nevertheless the airplane was built, tested, and hit the commercial market before the 747 was fielded. The DC-10 is a good airplane. The 747 is a TANK!"

There's a saying from my childhood that always makes me smile:
"I've always thought the 'Cadillac' was the 'Rolls-Royce' of automobiles!"
Similarly when flying, I've always felt more comfortable reaching for the safety card stored in the seat in front only to find I've boarded an airplane built by Boeing, feeling I was aboard the "Rolls-Royce" of airplanes.

I'm not sure now I can say that.
And that fact makes me slightly heartsick.

22 August 2024

D.E.I. or Die?

Harley- Davidson.
Jack Daniels.
Tractor Supply.
John Deere.
Bud Lite.
Have we dodged a bad outcome here?

I hope so.

The "Peter Principle"- A Permutation.

One of the things I have seen during my military career that has slightly overflowed into my civilian life will be uncomfortable to discuss here at "Pitchpull" but is MY truth that we can discuss:
On several occasions I have watched a male officer advance into senior ranks bring an attractive female assistant along with him as an "aide" while rumors flew that the reason she was being advanced was not because of her expertise as an expert in any field.

We're seeing that unfair scenario unfold now at the presidential election level with the democrat candidate.
And no one is talking about it.

I fear for our country's future.

19 August 2024

Practice Makes Perfect?

I need to practice making holes of different calibers in paper targets.
But "Bidenomics" has made things so expensive, I'm reluctant to practice making holes because I'll have to replace the pew-pew hole makers.
I'd buy a reloading system if I was sure I'll be able to buy primers in the future.
Am I worried for nothing?

29 July 2024


Now and then I feel the need to publish an "I, Me, My" post.
Our environment motivates me to do that today-

I'm not sure how I met "Dennis". He lived in the addition across the fence behind us, so maybe that was a factor. Whatever...
Dennis delivered "The Indianapolis News" evening newspaper. Dennis and his family were moving, so he had to find a replacement.
About halfway along his route there was an old community grocery store. We delivered a newspaper there and Dennis asked, "Want a candy bar and a soda?"
I heard the change jingle in his pocket. The fact he was able to reach into his pocket and pay for both of us impressed me and planted a seed-
"Why couldn't I do this?"

I was 10.
A manager for the newspaper showed up at our home. He wanted to make sure I could correctly make change for our customers when I did my weekly collections.
Mom, Dad, and I had practiced.
I passed the test.

My first "job", I delivered those papers for four years. That job taught me A LOT-
How to budget. How to save. How to take care of customers.
And how to deal with customers in an older community that sometimes would not be there when collection time came, having passed on.
Tough, because you learned to care for them.

With money earned on that route I saved enough to buy my first motor scooter at 12. (In our community, our Law Enforcement Officers looked "the other way" when they saw 12 yr-old kids illegally riding motor vehicles on our roads.)
With funds saved from that route I talked my folks into allowing me to buy my first car from my Dad's brother when I was 14.
(This they WOULD NOT allow me to drive until I was legal!)

Today? It's hard not to compare my generation with kids who have their noses stuck into IPhones and IPads that have been given to them by their parents.
(I'm also guilty of wanting our son to "have it better than I did", so I don't throw my stones with too much force.)

But I do wonder-
Are we doing these kids any favors over the long term?

26 July 2024

2024 Olympics

"Competing for Trinidad and Tobago, from Chicago, Illinois"...
The meaning of the Olympics has gotten completely lost for me.
(But I may still watch Simone!)

17 July 2024

PTSD and Tears

I don't normally watch the conventions of political parties.
But my wife has, believe it or not, become more of a political junkie than me.
(She barely chats with her relatives in Chicago, and WON'T visit them unless there's a death there.)

I don't know if it is my wife's present political interests... or the fact we were watching LIVE while some stupid 20-yr old tried to make history last Saturday.
I'm sure all of us who watched that now have an "I remember it vividly" story to tell.
When I heard the shots and Trump fell to the floor of the stage I shouted out loud "THEY'VE SHOT HIM!"
Sara Jean literally went into hysterics.
When he rose to his feet, behind the (much too short) female Secret Service agent and I saw the blood trickling down the right side of his face I shouted, "THEY'VE SHOT HIM IN THE HEAD!",
And anyone my age who has seen "The Zapruder" film knew the man was gonna die.
But GOD, not the shooter, had a plan.
And when we heard the news that he was pretty much okay?
I cried.

Now, we've been watching CSPAN... every single damn moment of this convention, and I want Madeline Brame to move into the house next door to us.

When the National Anthem is played or sung...
the tears flow.

When the Pledge of Allegiance is recited...
I cry.

And when I detect the sadness in the eyes of my former president...
I cry.

Sara Jean is sure it is PTSD that is affecting me.
That may be true.

And I'm just as sure that the sadness I see in Donald Trump's eyes is also PTSD.

I'd appreciate your comments.

16 July 2024

Killing Fetuses

It seems to me the only issue dims have to pound on before the election is ABORTION.
And pound on it they will... like a dead horse.

They will lie, (and unfortunately it will be somewhat effective) and say republicans will make abortion illegal. (THIS republican would be pleased if that was true.)
And that brings up the question I ask so many of my acquaintances-
"How can you be a democrat and a Christian simultaneously?"

It's not unusual for us to be sick to death of politics sometime in October. (September this election?)
But I suspect I may turn off the TV and go back to my stack of "gotta read" books by that time.

10 July 2024

Poopin' With The Pope-

I'm not Catholic so I have no idea how exciting it would be for this Baptist to meet "Il Papa".
I suspect he's a nice man. Just taking on that job has to be a pretty big deal.
But Joseph Robinette Biden IS (or pretends to be) a member of the Catholic Church.
So meeting the Pope for him had to be a really big deal.
But our President has to be prepared for LOTS of Big Deals.
And the fact he soiled himself when meeting the head of his Church troubles me.

(This post is mostly B.S.. The whole idea of this demented weenie being our president... troubles me.)

05 July 2024


Boss called me into her office last week-
"I've noticed you're awfully quiet lately and want to make sure there's nothing wrong here at work."

"My wife has Lewy-Body Dementia and I'm trying my best to maintain my sanity at home.
There's nothing wrong here at work. As a matter of fact, this is a respite from what is going on at home.
I like EVERYONE I rub elbows with here."

But there's more than that going on here-
My son says, "Dad has lost his country and he is in mourning".
And that comment brought tears to my eyes. It may be more truth than I want to admit.

We are now living "In interesting times".
The next few days of our lives might be VERY interesting.

03 June 2024

The Presidential Assassination Post-

Pictured above is "Joe Bftsplk".
Joe was one of the characters from Al Capp's "Lil Abner" newspaper comic strip from my youth. That thundercloud followed Joe everywhere he went. Nothing good ever happened to Joe.

My Sara Jean is like Joe. If we are facing a life result between "A" and "B ", and "B" is negative, S.J. is certain "B" will happen to us.
She's my Polar opposite.

Her latest worry is that Donald Trump will be killed before November 5th.
Until recently I've been poo-pooing her fears.
Until recently.

Today I saw him interviewed on Fox News and he said IF he's elected he'll release documents relative to the JFK assassination,  the 9-11 findings, and the Jeffrey Epstein "suicide".
And now even me, the eternal optimist?
I'm worried.

Fifty-One folks from our "intelligence community" signed a letter saying Trump colluded with the Russians prior to the '16 election. That's now a proven lie.
Former head of the FBI James Comey was fired by Trump. Ditto Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page.
Many folks, smarter than me, think the CIA killed JFK because of his association with MOB leaders and his leadership failures during the Bay of Pigs invasion.
Comedian Kathy Griffin graphically (and proudly) held an effigy of Trump's severed, bloody head for publication.
The HATE for this man by a large portion of our population is palpable.

If the CIA, FBI, and DNI killed Kennedy and Trump is threatening to release information exposing them, what are the chances Trump might either commit suicide or have an extraordinary, unfortunate accident before 5November?
And how does our country survive if that happens?

Someone... ANYONE, please tell me why I'm worrying unnecessarily !

01 June 2024

I Am STILL T.E.A. Party!

News came to us that there was to be a gathering of Patriots near us.
In 2009 we began to be worried about the fiscal policies of our government. We began to hear about a movement called the "T.E.A. Party" and heard about a gathering of like-minded folks that would meet at a city park nearby. Folks planning that meeting asked that IF you were coming, please make a home-made sign to display so the media that came would know this is a grassroots assembly.
I procured the necessary materials and Sara Jean and I made funky signs. Mine said "$top $tupid $pending!!"

Coincidentally at the time we had invited friends to come visit us. These were lifetime friends... raised in the same community I grew up in.
I "assumed" they would have the same values as we had and suggested they also make signs to carry at the meeting.
"Greybeard, we don't feel the same way you do."
You may as well have hit me with a 2X4. These were nice people... smart people. The one with XY chromosomes was, like me, an ARMY Veteran. How could they NOT also be worried about the direction the country was taking?
The incident changed how we felt about them dramatically.

So here we are, 15 years later. The country I risked my life to "Support and defend" has been inexorably slipping to the left.
Black is White. Men are women and vice-versa.
Inflation is like a Cancer.
You can be "above the law" if your name is followed by a "D".
We are rapidly approaching a time where servicing our National debt will start eating into the money our government uses to provide basic services to its people.
And I'm remembering a time a while back when Sara Jean and I made crude signs to try to prevent this happening.

And we failed.

23 May 2024

23 May 1966

The note came from my Uncle Sam. It "requested" me to report to the induction center in Indianapolis to serve my country for two years.
And I reported and served.
I decided to take lemons and turn them into lemonade.
That decision for me was life changing.

When you're given a basket of lemons... invite friends over for beverages.

21 May 2024

Kindle, and The "Catch-22"

I like reading. I read a lot.
I like History, historical novels, and Science Fiction.
In my office I probably have, (and I'm ashamed to admit this), a library of about 300 books in my "when I have the time" stack.
It gives me comfort and makes me smile to look at 'em.

I've seen others reading books on their "Kindles".
They seem to enjoy them.
Books on Kindle are cheap. Amazon sometimes offers them to me through one of their programs for free.
That's a temptation.
But there's a problem. I like the feel of a Codex. I like the smell of a Codex. And looking at books in my library gives me "warm and fuzzies".

While considering putting thoughts to "paper" on this post
I remembered reading Joseph Heller's "Catch-22"-
You've no doubt heard of it. That's because it is a GREAT BOOK.
But I read it while preparing to start Flight School in 1968 and preparing for my tour in Viet Nam.
My thoughts at the time were, let's say, divided.
For me the wonderful thing about a Codex is that I could get to a point in my reading and say-
"Wait! What?"
And I could flip back a few pages and refresh my memory about how the story was unfolding.
(This is even MORE true with another of my favorite reads... "DUNE") !

A lineup of 300 or so "to read" books probably precludes any future purchase of a Kindle device...
Unless you convince me here that it would be a good idea, with compelling reasoning!

13 May 2024

In 1971 my fellow Flight Commander "Harry" let everyone know his '67 427cu. in. Corvette with three two-barrel carburetors was for sale. He had received orders to return to Viet Nam for a second tour.
When I expressed interest my friend Harry said "Greybeard, you DON'T want this car... When you put your right foot to the floor the gas gauge needle moves just as quickly as the speedometer! It gets 6 miles per gallon on PREMIUM fuel."
I passed on the purchase.

Now that car, similar to the one pictured above, is valued at well over $100,000.
But it's a paperweight...
Who could afford to drive the thing today?

05 May 2024

Jack Dempsey's Dog

My school bus driver also owned the local hardware store. He was a good guy and knew me well enough at age 9 to address me when we met. His name was "Jack".
Jack owned a little terrier that raced alongside his truck as Jack drove to the hardware store.

Pulling out of his drive one day, Jack ran over his dog. Luckily, he didn't kill him .
But the dog's injury required a trip to surgery where his right rear leg had to be amputated.
Next thing I knew the dog was back chasing after Jack's truck as he went to work. If you didn't look closely you could never tell the dog only had three legs!

I don't think I ever knew the dog's name.
My friends and I called him 'The Arithmetic Dog"-
Because he "put down three, and carried one"!

29 April 2024


A member of any of various ancient and modern peoples originating in southwestern Asia, including the Akkadians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, HEBREWS, AND ARABS.

These days we're obviously using it incorrectly!

27 April 2024

"El Futbol es un Juego Muy Importante."

That title is one of the few things I remember from two years of High School and one semester of College Spanish.

Our neighbors have a seven year old daughter that we have "adopted" as our grandchild.
Weekends on Saturday mornings are reserved for watching she and many of her friends chase and kick a soccer ball up and down a small field. That ball spends almost as much time "out of bounds" as it does on the playing field.

I've determined the only thing I am more indifferent about than Soccer is a Soccer game played by a bunch of 7-yr olds where they don't keep score.

(Last year it was "T-Ball". That's sleep inducing too.)

25 April 2024

My Purple Heart-

My co-worker is young enough to be my son.
He's a good guy and I really like him. Next week Sara Jean, Big Bubba and I will be headed West to Flagstaff, AZ on the Amtrak train and this man will be doing my job. So I've been training him.
Today, the subject came up that my Dad and I are both Purple Heart recipients.
He surprised me with this question-
"How much does your Purple Heart weigh?"

I'm glad he asked. It's an indication of how little many people know about our world these days.
If you also would like an answer to the question, the PH medal weighs a few ounces... no more than the "Good Conduct Medal" I also was awarded. But anyone in the military, when I'm in uniform, will notice that Purple ribbon on my chest, even though it is an equal weight with the other ribbons.

Our country has changed.
FEWER people are signing the "Blank Check" to "Support and Defend" our Constitution these days.
And that fact bothers me a lot.
The fact it doesn't bother others bothers me a lot more.

21 April 2024

Krystal Hamburgers

We're visiting Big Bubba in Clarksville, TN.
I'm learning to LOVE this town... close to Ft. Campbell if we need the services there, but with enough other concerns that it does not feel totally taken over by the military.
And they have a "White Castle" AND "Krystal" hamburger store here!
If you live North of the Mason-Dixon line you're probably familiar with White Castle "sliders" and either love 'em or hate 'em. Count me in the "love 'em" category. In High School me and my buddies used to have contests to see who could eat the most "belly bombers".

Home from Viet Nam I was stationed at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia as a Flight Instructor.
There I was introduced to "Krystals". They are Southern cousins to the White Castle. To me they have a slightly milder taste and the bread is more like "Kings Hawaiian" buns.
I PREFER them to White Castles.
So when we come to visit our son we always make a trip to buy a sackful of burgers. And I did that yesterday.

Under the "Sackful" column was the list:
12 Krystals- $13.09.
24 Krystals- $26.49.
And I wonder how many folks think they're getting a bargain by buying in bulk.

I went home with TWO 12-Krystal Sackfuls!

20 April 2024

Genetically Modified Foods-

"GM Foods" are evil, right?
When someone tries to make that point I ask, "How much can we discuss about Gregor Mendel?"
"Does the name 'Norman Borlaug' strike a familiar note?"
Those questions normally drop stupid people on the spot with a "through and through" head wound.

Don't be one of 'em.
Do your research.

17 April 2024


An enemy is someone trying to destroy you.
This man, his boss, and our Senate leadership fit that description.
IF(!) our country still exists in November, we MUST remember and vote accordingly.

02 April 2024

This Happens Surprisingly Often:

"Wanta sell it?"
I smile. "No, it's not for sale."
We're talking about my '97 3/4 ton, extended cab, long bed, Cummins diesel truck. It has 278,000 miles on it and still runs like a sewing machine.

The research for the purchase began before my retirement in about 2008 or so.
I wanted a vehicle that could safely pull a Recreational Vehicle. A Pickup would fill that need  and the bed of the truck would provide utility even when not being used to pull the RV.
Being able to tow a heavy load meant I'd be limited to a relatively heavy truck (3/4 ton) with a BIG, powerful powerplant... diesel or gasoline? Diesel powered trucks get better fuel mileage, but that benefit is offset by the fact that diesel fuel is much more expensive than gasoline these days. But the reputation of the Cummins/Ram fascinated me.
I searched eBay for months and finally saw a truck that was almost exactly what I was looking for in Palm Desert, California. The young man selling it warned "If you live in California don't bid on this truck. I'm selling it because it will no longer pass California emission requirements". He listed all the improvements he had made to the truck, some of which improved performance but made it pollute more.
He had fixed the "Killer Dowel Pin" problem, which was one of my main concerns.
I won the auction at a selling price that surprised me and could sell the truck at any time for more than I paid for it, even though the truck is now (27 years) old.

It's been an interesting vehicle to own. About once every three months someone who knows these trucks will approach me with an offer to buy it.
The truck in the picture is a half-ton with a gasoline engine, but looks a LOT like my beloved truck.
I know you're envious.
Don't hate me

31 March 2024

Peter's Testimony

I LOVE the Dolly Parton version, but post this version hoping to impact a different audience this Easter.

20 March 2024

Too Old To Drive?

At what point in life should you hand over your keys?
I think that certainly must be examined on an individual basis. I began to be frightened with my Dad's driving when he was 78+-, but that fear was influenced by the fact that macular degeneration  was beginning to be a factor with him. He drove FAST. And I didn't think his vision and reaction time were sufficient for his physical condition.

I just turned 77. Of course, I feel perfectly safe to drive. But am I?
I find myself being distracted by stupid stuff these days. (What's that bright shiny object over there?!)
More and more I'm getting a "buzz" from the rumble strips we find alongside our highways these days-
Thank Goodness for 'em.

I had a friend (named "Finis", believe it or not. His parents decided he absolutely was their LAST child!)
Finis's car, a BIG Ford LTD, had battle scars all over it. Finis smiled and said he "Parked by feel".
I tried to keep my car as far away as possible from where I knew Finis would be parking his TANK.

I don't wanta be like Finis.
But I sure understand what it is like to be facing the situation where I have to forfeit my key FOB.
What d'ya think? When should it be apparent that a "Seasoned Citizen" should resort to calling a cab?

17 March 2024


I was kidnapped by my Federal Government in 1966.
The letter informing me I would be kidnapped was quite friendly:
You are hereby ordered to report for induction into the Armed Forces of the United States, and to report at..."(followed by the place, date, and time I was to be abducted.)

Today I was thinking-
Nineteen year old kids today have nervous breakdowns if they are told "No". They need "Safe rooms" to retreat to if things in life begin to get a little tense.
How would they handle if they received such a letter today, knowing it might result in them giving their life in the defense of the country?

I'll answer that question with a question-
How are all our services doing with recruiting these days?


04 March 2024

Becoming "Mig Pilot"-

I read this book several years ago and keep a copy of it on hand to lend to others. If you've not read it you should. It lays out the path that Lt. Belenko followed to realize his government was lying to him and lead to his defection, bringing with him for our examination the airplane maybe most feared by the West.

I'm almost there with my government today.
Black is white.
Our economy is wonderful.
And there is NO PROBLEM at our border.

My problem? (Maybe my salvation!)
I know about "Winston Smith".
And for that I thank George Orwell.

25 February 2024

Desperately Trying to Please Dad

This is a Donald Trump post.
Stick around.

My Dad was no wimp. To make a little extra money he joined the Indiana National Guard in 1939. So he was already wearing Olive Drab when he heard the news on 7Dec41. He was proud of his Bronze Star and Purple Heart, but we never really talked about it in detail.

My Dad and his contemporaries all seemed to be cut from the same cloth. I think the thing he absolutely hated most in his life was to be embarrassed. Watching old B&W movies now we know why he smoked his entire life  and died of lung cancer. Like Bogart, he was macho

My relationship with my Dad was always distant. Was that the "Macho"coming out? He seemed pleased with my successes but was never demonstrative about it. But he was ALWAYS there when I needed help.
Or protection.
Only in the last years of his life did we force him to accept hugs and
"I love you's". And he reciprocated.

My friend and fellow helicopter pilot, (I'll call him "Steve") is one of those people that you instantly know is strange when you meet him.
I have NO idea what his IQ is, but it is UP THERE.
I now know Steve's Father was mentally abusive to him his entire life. And I also know that abuse is part of what makes Steve seem odd when you meet him. Even today he strives for success, and succeeds.
And seems weird as he does it.
We Christians are taught in our "Operator's Manual" to "Judge a tree by the fruit it bears".
Steve's "fruit" is healthy and sweet.

The comparison to my good friend Steve and Trump seems strong-
Trump was sent off to Military School during his teens. I get the feeling he was trying to please his Dad until the old man died. It's the reason Trump tried so hard to succeed in Manhattan. (And sadly, Manhattan is now trying to destroy him.)

"Personally"... I don't like him. I'm glad he doesn't live next door.
But the fruit of the tree during his presidency was healthy and sweet.

I am an American fighting man. I'm sickened by what I now see happening in our country and hope it is salvageable. We now need a strong, military leader.

If you now find yourself hating, or just having reservations about the man, consider his upbringing.
And be glad he lives in D.C., not next door.
We need a healthy tree producing healthy fruit there.

21 February 2024

Romance Languages-

 My OCS classmate and fellow Viet Nam Veteran Robert "Wiggs"  Wiggins is my "Amigo".
Author and Virtual friend Rain Trueax would be referred to as my "Amiga".
What's the politically acceptable term for someone like Caitlyn Jenner?

17 February 2024

Familiar With The Term "Black Swan"?

You need to know what the term means.
Nineteen evil men from Saudi Arabia were able to commit the worst attack EVER on our homeland.
What damage could 20,000 people from China possibly do?

I hope I'm being paranoid.
But I'm trying to prepare in case I am not.

13 February 2024

"Take The Long Way Home"

This song is one reason I bought the album "Breakfast in America" in 1978.
So I've been listening to this tune nearly 50 years. How is that possible? If you are of my generation you've probably heard the song thousands of times. But have you REALLY listened to it?
In all those years... turns out I had not.
I never realized how sad it is.

02 February 2024

"Old Friends"

"When are you coming to town?"
The question was asked by a close friend at my old airport haunt. It's been over a year since I have been present.
"When should I come in?" was my response.
"How 'bout Thursday?" she answered.
She knows my history.

She's been watching events unfold at the airport over 30 years, and she's sort of a helicopter groupie.
She knows I have been instrumental in 30 or so people getting their helicopter pilot's licenses, including at least two that are now actively saving lives flying EMS helicopters.
I arrived at the designated time and place and was immediately handed a glass of premium bourbon with ice.
Straight up.
And the night progressed from there.

Old acquaintances filtered in one by one-
The guy that kept me alive by expertly twisting wrenches on my machine.
Several former students.
Other helicopter jocks that were able to continue flying because I gave them Biennial Flight Reviews.
A couple airplane friends that wanted terribly to be helicopter dudes.
Two hours later there were 12 people seated around the table sharing stories.
My damaged ears could not discern all the individual tales being shared. And that was fine with me.
People were laughing, smiling, and patting one another.

THIS... is the best thing about aging.
I've been absent too long.
And I learned THE lesson.
I won't stay away so long.

30 January 2024


The VERY DAY I departed for Viet Nam in 1968 President Johnson stopped the bombing of North Viet Nam trying to show good faith to our enemy.
And on 1Nov68 those of us trying to make the world a better place? We suffered. Some of us died.

I have long been a student of world happenings. When I woke that morning the first thing on my mind was "I'm headed to a land where people will really be trying to kill me."
And that was okay. I had trained for that possibility for months.

But here's the deal-
I was born and raised in central Indiana in a conservative neighborhood. The first presidential election I can remember having any interest in was the Nixon/Kennedy bout. It didn't go the way my parents wanted it to go. (We've since found out that Mayor Daley of Chicago had his thumb on the scale.)

Nevertheless, at that time I didn't think President Kennedy didn't have the best interest of the country at heart. He was a WWII hero after all.
Then his head got in the way of a projectile and Lyndon Johnson took the reins.

Johnson was an ass.
But even taking that into consideration I never thought he didn't love the country and want the best for it.
After all, his wife was making a TON of money with her Bell Helicopter/Textron stock, right?
And in one of those helicopters I went to war to protect my homeland.

There's a point I want to make here, and it is this-
At NO POINT during my seven decades on this earth have I felt the country was being lead by an incompetent.
Until now.
This Commander in Chief is incompetent.
And our wonderful country is at risk.

I do not believe Joseph Robinette Biden will be the Democrat nominee for president in November.
But what terrifies and dismays me is that I do not see anyone with a "D" behind their name that I think really has the country's interest at heart.

I often say, "I'm glad I'm old."
But my son is now 40, and I feel I have failed to leave him a sane world.
And for that reason I feel I will die feeling like a failure.

26 January 2024

The Salvation of Internal Combustion?

Pyramid building?
Wormholes, (for heaven's sake!)

This sounds too good to be true.
But I sure hope it is.

24 January 2024

Dream Scenario

We are in Tennessee visiting our son, the movie buff.
He has a library of THOUSANDS of movies and as you know, (if you are a regular reader), we love movies old and new.
We just watched "Dream Scenario" with Nicholas Cage. It's a worthwhile expenditure of your time.
But one of the points of the movie is that the College Professor played by Cage experiences something that troubles him:
While terrible things happen in his presence, he does nothing. He's kind of a "non entity". An observer.
And I realized...
My life has impacted the lives of others.
I am not a non entity.
And that made me feel proud.


21 January 2024

The Cost of Nostalgia

My Dad supervised several crews of power company line-crews at work.
"Sonny" was on one of those crews. He was a single guy and when going on vacation had no place he could safely store his only vehicle... a WWII Willy's Jeep. Dad agreed to let him leave his Jeep at our home for a week.
And I had access to it.

Three speed manual transmission with "high and low" gearbox it had a top speed of about 50 mph, and was just a hoot to drive.
They were sold "surplus" after the war.
Have you checked on the prices to buy one lately?

01 January 2024

Early 1960's-

"Ask not what your country can do for you... Ask what you can do for your country!"

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
M.L.K. Jr

What the **** happened to my country?
(Happy New Year everyone. Pray for us all.)