10 July 2024

Poopin' With The Pope-

I'm not Catholic so I have no idea how exciting it would be for this Baptist to meet "Il Papa".
I suspect he's a nice man. Just taking on that job has to be a pretty big deal.
But Joseph Robinette Biden IS (or pretends to be) a member of the Catholic Church.
So meeting the Pope for him had to be a really big deal.
But our President has to be prepared for LOTS of Big Deals.
And the fact he soiled himself when meeting the head of his Church troubles me.

(This post is mostly B.S.. The whole idea of this demented weenie being our president... troubles me.)


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Also not a Catholic. What puzzles me is Biden, Pelosi, etc. receiving Communion.

Old NFO said...

Agree with WSF... HOW???

Greybeard said...

Upon review I realized-
The post is NOT "B.S.".
It's about "H.S." !

What's that smell? :)

Denise Csve said...

Pelosi and Biden are not Catholic. They claim to be Catholic. So