16 July 2024

Killing Fetuses

It seems to me the only issue dims have to pound on before the election is ABORTION.
And pound on it they will... like a dead horse.

They will lie, (and unfortunately it will be somewhat effective) and say republicans will make abortion illegal. (THIS republican would be pleased if that was true.)
And that brings up the question I ask so many of my acquaintances-
"How can you be a democrat and a Christian simultaneously?"

It's not unusual for us to be sick to death of politics sometime in October. (September this election?)
But I suspect I may turn off the TV and go back to my stack of "gotta read" books by that time.


Old NFO said...

That is a good question, and I, for one, am already sick of the political BS... sigh

Greybeard said...

Hey Navy-
Reflecting I realized I should have titled this post "The RIGHT to kill fetuses".
(And that makes me more than slightly sick to my stomach.)