27 April 2024

"El Futbol es un Juego Muy Importante."

That title is one of the few things I remember from two years of High School and one semester of College Spanish.

Our neighbors have a seven year old daughter that we have "adopted" as our grandchild.
Weekends on Saturday mornings are reserved for watching she and many of her friends chase and kick a soccer ball up and down a small field. That ball spends almost as much time "out of bounds" as it does on the playing field.

I've determined the only thing I am more indifferent about than Soccer is a Soccer game played by a bunch of 7-yr olds where they don't keep score.

(Last year it was "T-Ball". That's sleep inducing too.)


Old NFO said...

Soccer IS the sport of most countries, and is even making inroads here...LOL

Greybeard said...

Navy, any game that can go on for over an hour and finish scoreless is too BORING for me.