04 July 2023

Majority Rule

I like to think I'm "normal".
I like to think I'm part of a "majority".
I like to think I make the world a better place for my fellow travelers.

On this Independence Day I'm saddened to realize none of that may be true.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Make the world a better place? Too much for one person. Make your tiny corner of the world a better place? Yes. How many people lived to see another day because of your skills?

Rain Trueax said...

We really don't know as someone else tells us what others think.

Old NFO said...

We did what we thought was right. THAT is all we could/can do.

Anonymous said...

For me personally, you were, are, and always will be my hero. And yes, you do make this world a much better place! God has had your back all along. You are a freakin’ miracle with at least nine lives, and many more to come! Thank you for being as normal as me, and constantly fighting the injustices in this world! You are one of the good guys! Raised by parents who were part of the greatest generation that ever was!! You are living proof!

Greybeard said...

Well shucks, Mother...
Your bias is altogether too obvious!