Most of this week has been spent in preparation for a 10 day stay in Destin, Florida. It's been run here- run there, run back here, and even now, just hours from starting the 11 hour drive, we're not positive we have all the necessary chores done. This morning I still have to do a last-minute oil and filter change on the car, and a friend's lawn needs mowing. We'll be on the road just after Noon, so I'll probably be drivin' with my eyes closed for the last two hours of the trip.
To bring you up to date on my weight loss program-
On 1 January I was unhappy with my appearance and the way I felt. Weighing in at 205 pounds, I promised myself I would lose a pound a week until we made this trip South to meet several High School classmates for a mini-reunion. This morning I tipped the scale at 188 pounds, so I met my goal: 17 pounds gone in 17 weeks.
Last night I put on a pair of Levi's I haven't worn in over 10 years. Finding that they fit, into the suitcase they went!
To those that stop by here and actually take the time to comment now and then I say "Thanks SO much" for caring enough to let me know I've stimulated a thought or two. When we get to Destin and catch our breath, I'll let ya know.
So, more later...
Congrats!! Congrats!!! Congrats!!! You've got lots to be happy about just now--reaching your two year mark in 'bloggersville', reaching your weight loss goal, AND having the luxury of taking the trip to Destin!! I'm happy for you on all counts!! Enjoy and have a great time!!!! :))
Good job, Greybeard!
Just remember that to maintain takes more concentration than losing in the first place...
...but concentration comes second nature to a whirly pilot, right?
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