A quickie to bring ya up to speed on my weight loss program.
I'm now in my 13th week and I've lost 14 pounds.
Yesterday I revelled in the fact that my jeans were almost falling off my hips, revealing a pretty good "Greybeard butt-crack"!
(Ooooh, yuck!)
Fourteen down and 4 to go.
A pound a week... so if I'm successful, I'll reach my goal in a month.
Keep positive thoughts comin' my way, please!
I propose a trade... For the next four months I'm supposed to gain a pound a week, which just seems obscene. You lose it, I'll take it.
(Keep up the good work!)
It's a deal K. And I think I can find another couple folks that will also donate avoirdupois to the cause!
And for those of you now wondering if K has an anorexia problem, this post illustrates K's "work in progress"!
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