18 February 2022

"Morning Person?" HA!

For YEARS I got outta bed in the morning, drove 90 minutes to work, and did my job.
And HATED having to wake to an alarm.

And then the guy on the "Lead Pilot's" shift got hurt and had to quit. And I volunteered to take his place.
I started working straight nights. My shift started at 1900 hours and ended at 0700 hours. This meant I didn't need to set an alarm clock to go to work. I woke, had a couple cups of coffee, and drove into work.
At work, I practiced "EMS"...
I "Earned Money Sleeping". (And sometimes I was paid for doing more than sleeping.) :)
I LOVED my job. I still miss it like crazy.
I retired in 2013. At first I enjoyed the idle time. But WOW... that gets old in a hurry.
I mostly missed the feeling of helping others.

Here in our little 'burg we have a government-subsidized program similar to the "Meals on Wheels" program.
Three Buses depart the base in the A.M. and go out to retrieve elderly people and bring them back to the base for "Day Care", where they play games, eat a balanced diet, and sometimes go out on field trips.
While these folks are enjoying the time at the base, drivers carry meals out to those in need in remote areas of the county.

Today I took a test to prove I can safely drive one of the Buses that carry elderly passengers to/from the Day Care Center, and transport meals out to folks that need those meals.
I passed the exam.

It fills a niche for me. Delivering these meals once again proves to me how absolutely blessed we are.
Many of these needy people now are younger than me.

So I smile.
I drive.
And I give folks something they need.

I AM BLESSED, and thankful for my blessings!
But MAN... I hate this early morning crap!


Greybeard said...

And oh, by the way...
I'm being paid minimum wage.
Lovin' it.

Gerry said...

When I retired my wife and I slowly drove each other batty.
A friend got me working at a food bank a couple days a month and doing KP at the Salvation Army on Fridays.

I have now graduated to handing out lunches to the outside folks who can't or won't stay at the shelter. Me and the homeless homies get along just fine. For some reason the don't try and push me like they do the other folks. It always gives my wife and I something to talk about at dinner.

Greybeard said...

I didn't mention it Gerry, but being together with my bride nearly 24/7/365 certainly IS a factor. Absence does make the heart grow fonder... even if it's just a few hours.

Old NFO said...

LOL, you say you hate it, and maybe you do, but you also enjoy the camaraderie and helping people. :-). I'd say you're hoist on your own petard!

Anonymous said...

I definitely cherish every moment I have with my spouse and look forward to his retirement so we can spend more time together, I hope I never think being with him 24/7 is a bad thing. You never know how much time you have left, so enjoy every moment with your spouse.