27 August 2024


Some years ago I was, for several days, attending a helicopter safety school and was seated next to an Air New Zealand 747 Captain. I liked the man and the feeling was mutual.
While in that class we received word that a DC-10 had crashed killing all aboard, and I got a chance to chat with him about how he compared the two airplanes.
He indicated there was no comparison.
"The DC-10 was conceived AFTER Boeing conceived the 747. Nevertheless the airplane was built, tested, and hit the commercial market before the 747 was fielded. The DC-10 is a good airplane. The 747 is a TANK!"

There's a saying from my childhood that always makes me smile:
"I've always thought the 'Cadillac' was the 'Rolls-Royce' of automobiles!"
Similarly when flying, I've always felt more comfortable reaching for the safety card stored in the seat in front only to find I've boarded an airplane built by Boeing, feeling I was aboard the "Rolls-Royce" of airplanes.

I'm not sure now I can say that.
And that fact makes me slightly heartsick.


Jess said...

I have no experience with the air transport business. I do have experience in management, skill sets, and quality. If the air industry is anything like my industry was, there is a severe lacking in a demand for quality, listening to those with experience, and a knuckleheaded group of young folks that are indoctrinated to believe the awards they received for being in last place shows how competent they are. That, and the ridiculous belief we are all equal, unwarranted diversity is a strength, and the color of skin, or what's between your legs, is more important than the demand for excellence.

Ed Bonderenka said...

I end up flying on Embraiers and Bombardiers.

Old NFO said...

I'll still take Boeing over Airbus... not that that is saying a lot right now...

Jess said...

I have a friend that fly's air transports. He definitely prefers Boeing over Airbus.