04 October 2023


"Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst."
My preparations may be for nothing because against Zombies my home is likely indefensible. I've taken the attitude that before I die I intend to make the world a better place by taking out as many brain-dead people as I can before I'm taken out.
I'm just glad I don't live in New York, Chicago, Baltimore, etc..

"Prepper!" has been a term used in a derogatory fashion by people smarter and better than me...
Until recently.
I'm hearing it used much less frequently these days.
And I smile.

A currency with which you can barter with your neighbors.
And a means to keep Zombies from stealing your preparations.

Hope for the best. But be a good Boy Scout.


Old NFO said...

Be prepared... always has and always will work.

Gerry said...

Be willing to do what is necessary.