05 September 2023

Climate Change Question:

This whole subject drives me a little crazy. I'm sure I've written about this previously but I don't remember getting a satisfactory answer to my question:
The same sort of "scientist" that is now suggesting we need to make drastic changes to our lifestyle to avoid a future catastrophe will tell us that 10,000 feet of glacier ice covered the ground I now live on here in the MidWest millions of years ago.
No humans existed back then... What melted that ice?

Dinosaur farts I guess.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Gaia shrugged.
We humans can and do foul our nests but the Sun is the primary reason seasons change.
Not original with me. I tried to follow the science with no success. I followed the money and found the science.

Gerry said...

It is my understanding that there have been at least 10 major ice ages recorded.
The climate has rebounded every time.
There for there must have been 10 major tax hikes in prehistory.

Old NFO said...

Climate is 'variable', always has been, always will be... sigh

jeff d said...

It is not a scientific question. It is a political question. Adjust for that and you will be able to resolve your questions.