07 November 2022

"I Don't Watch The News."

How many people in your circle say that?
Several in mine do, and I have no problem with it. Sara Jean and I watch several news broadcasts daily and neither of us ever have the urge to put a gun to our temples. But we certainly understand that some people might need a trip to "Mother's little helper" after watching a broadcast these days.

My problem is with the people that make the statement with pride.
Then these people walk ignorantly into the polling booth and vote !
"My Daddy voted democrat. My granddaddy voted democrat. My Great granddaddy voted democrat".
And that is the reason we now find ourselves being governed by demented (or stroke impaired) idiots.

Do us all a favor, PLEASE-
If you don't watch the news, and therefore don't know what is going on in the world around us all (and WHY)-


Well Seasoned Fool said...

I don't watch the news as presented by the American Mainstream Maggots (h/tBZ). Thanks to Al Gore's invention, other sources are available for me to read.

I haven't missed voting once since achieving my majority.

Greybeard said...

So you ARE an informed voter, WSF.

Old NFO said...

"My Daddy voted democrat. My granddaddy voted democrat. My Great granddaddy voted democrat". And they still ARE! Grrr...

Rain Trueax said...

we don't watch television period, though we have a nice flat screen TV. It's not just the news though. I get my news with online newspapers and magazines. It's been two years now for no TV and it's for other reasons including the way it vibrates maybe. I do though know who is running for offices, across the country, and voted already as Oregon has by mail. Generally, I vote on issues, not parties, and that takes research beyond just news, which seems very partisan laden on both sides.I also cannot imagine voting for someone based on someone else's endorsement.

Greybeard said...

Your comment sparks a thought, Rain-
You vote "by mail" in Oregon. How much time do you actually spend there? Didn't Covid ground you in Tucson for a considerable time last year?
While we owned property here in Destin I always felt we should be able to vote for candidates up to the State level in Florida while also voting for ALL elected offices at our permanent residence. We were paying considerable taxes in both places!
But boy... the opportunity for fraud that would be presented if that was the case, huh?