27 May 2022

The Last War, Last Battle, Last Bullet.

My title is not a great analogy.
My Blog.
Deal with it.

I'm gobsmacked by the idea that our lefty government "leaders" think paying off student loan debt might be a good idea.
I know my first question is NOT obvious to only me-
You signed a contract. You got the benefit of that contract. Now, fulfill the promise you made by signing your name. Pay what you now owe!

Second thought-
I once had a conversation with a young socialist female that called these contracts "predatory lending".
What other contracts fall into that category? Auto loans? Mortgages? Handouts from "Cousin Vinnie"?

My college education was accomplished piecemeal. I could afford the time and money to take only a couple courses at a time and paid for them as I learned, never accruing debt along the way. Granted, I went to a little-known State supported school and don't have "friends in High Places" that I networked with. But I also don't have a lifetime of debt to worry or complain about.

What if I'm the responsible oddball that JUST paid off my student loan following YEARS of denying myself some of the good things in life in order to fulfill my obligation...
Will I now get a refund? (This counts for me and most of my contemporaries too. Will AOC and the Biden administration send me a check because I was a responsible adult those forty years ago?)

This is a mess. The whole idea is insane.
And our entire contract structure and law in general is at risk because of these idiots.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

It is buying votes, nothing else.

Gerry said...

Are you really teaching people to be responsible citizens when you bail them out of a commitment they freely made? The crap that you are not really an adult till you are 25 years of age just boggles my mind. Worked in a steel mill and landfill during my college years to afford my degree.

Well Seasoned Fool is correct.

Old NFO said...

Concur with WSF, and no, folks like us will never see a penny. I never owed anything for my degree, thanks to the Navy and Tuition Aid program!

Ed Bonderenka said...

I feel the same way as you guys.
Obama was paying off mortgages.
Now it's paying off other debt that you and I did not incur.
We need to get the government out of these loan arrangements.
That was the original buying of votes.
They sucked these kids in with no one warning them of the downsides.
The thought of incurring hundreds of thousands of debt for an ephemeral promise is mind-boggling, and I feel for those victims of these loan hucksters.
If they were the victims of a predatory corporation I'd demand restitution for them.
But they are the victims of a predatory government, and the restitution would come from us.