30 December 2021

"We're From The Government, and We're Here To Help."

In 1966 I got a notice via the U.S. Postal Service that whether I liked it or not, I was going to work for the U.S. Government. I was ordered to report to a certain place at a certain time. There, I was put on a bus with 60 or so contemporaries and driven to Ft. Knox, Ky, where I underwent 8 weeks of training that I didn't really want to receive.

But during that time I was asked many times to provide my Social Security number. On my S.S. card there was this warning, (and I still have the card and could show it to you):
"Not to be used as an identification number".
During in-processing with the ARMY I was asked for the number many times. Each time I was asked to provide it I was given a slip of paper explaining why the ARMY needed it, and telling me it WOULD NOT be used to identify me.
Sure. Big Brother loved me!

Later in my ARMY career the number became my ID number. (1972) For a short period of time it also became my Pilot license number. (That has since changed because for many pilots it was being stolen and misused.)

But Big Brother DOES love us.
And now she/he is leaning toward having us carry a card showing the extent to which we have been vaccinated.
(This would NOT be to protect us or identify us for anything... it would be to protect our fellow citizens, doncha know!)

Always remember-
When it comes to identification, all citizens are EQUAL.
But some citizens are more equal than others.

Can I see your papers, citizen?


Old NFO said...

Papiers bitte!

Greybeard said...

How ya say that in Bidenese, Navy?