11 January 2009


I was humiliated almost to the point of self-mutiliation when I saw how unhappy "The One" would be with me following my test shown below.
So I took a deep breath, forced myself to realize all the world's ills were about to come to an end because George Bush was about to be exiled to Texas. Knowing I need no longer worry about my mortgage payment or my gas tank being filled, I re-took "The Obama Test". Here are the results:
(Cue the "Hallelujah Chorus")

Barack is pleased!

I proudly scored 93 on the Obama Test

Where's my "Barack Obama Commemorative Memorial Inaugural Bronze Medallion with Certificate of Authenticity"?


Rain Trueax said...

I like simple tests although this one didn't offer the right choices in many cases; but I took it anyway (couldn't come out worse than the last one I took where I came out an environmentalist eco-avenger-- who me!?). I scored 38, which I am gathering is better than 93 if you are an Obama supporter, but he was pleased anyway suggesting I start tithing to further improve myself. I wouldn't want a medal anyway since the only jewelry I wear are silver hoop earrings!

Greybeard said...

Don't be dismayed Rain. Relax, say a few "We are the ones we've been waiting fors", and retake the test.
Remember, you must consider your answers with your new attitude.
I hope you improve as much as I!

CJ said...

I'm very sorry to report that I am hopeless, have always been hopeless, and will (joyfully) continue to be hopeless...

Thanks for the laugh.
