08 October 2021


Does the word "Unconstitutional" have any meaning these days?
Obama said he could not pass the DACA bill because it was unconstitutional. Then a few weeks later, under political pressure from the left, added his name to the bottom of the bill.
The result?

Our Constitution was written to severely limit the power of government over us.
But now? Karen says we must do these things because the "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few". And many of our military and Law Enforcement leaders are not willing to face the political opposition necessary to stop this socialist progress.

"A Republic madam, if you can keep it", said Benjamin Franklin.
To which "Karen" replies... "but I want"...

I fear the tree of liberty will be refreshed, soon.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

Maybe. The Civil War was caused, to a great extent, on the Federal Government ignoring the Constitution according to many scholars. All the bloodshed didn't restore it.

Greybeard said...

Not arguing your point my friend, but...
It's the one area where our Constitution was weak, isn't it?
Watch the musical/movie 1776. In it they touch on how our Founding Fathers knew the slavery issue was a huge obstacle to getting the document passed, and what Jefferson had to right in order to mollify the Southern States.
And we have never completely overcome that error, have we?

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I'm of a generation taught, and probably still taught, slavery was the main reason for the Civil War. As an adult, I've learned otherwise. A blogger, The Feral Irishman, recently put up an illuminating post, IMO. Bottom line - economics, greed, and unfair taxation.

Ed Bonderenka said...

What a quaint notion.
We have treason at the top of and throughout our government and institutions.