05 March 2020

At the Dentist.

Some time back I broke a crown on one of my molars.
I immediately went to the Doc to have it checked out.
"The basic tooth is intact... it was just the crown that cracked. The tooth is fine. Can you stand the feel of it?"
Interesting question. The remnants of the crown WERE jagged.
Ever try to keep your tongue from going over there to cop a feel?
I got used to my tongue's flirtations with it.
And I put off the fix, knowing I'd be here in AZ soon.

My son turned us on to this (his) Dentist.
When we first moved him here to the PHX area, he lived in a nice apartment complex that was located in a... kind of questionable neighborhood. We first realized it was "iffy" when we saw the signs:
"Bait cars in use."
He never had any problems there, thank goodness, and has since upgraded his living quarters.
But one of the neat things that came out of the experience was his finding a new Dentist that serves this underprivileged neighborhood and serves it WELL. He loves it and recommended it to us.
They take digital X-Rays. They take them for FREE. Those pics are available instantly, and have cut the cost of our dentist bills DRAMATICALLY.

Dentistry has come a long way. I now have a new crown back there.
My tongue is no longer interested in that corner of my mouth.
And that's great.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Excellent. I just had a root canal done that the doc and I had been putting off for a while to see if it would get better.
It did. As soon as we did the root canal. I was surprised at how painless it was.

Old NFO said...

That's good, and getting good dental care IS important. Abscesses go straight to the brain from the mouth. NOT good!

Greybeard said...

I think I've read where regular dental cleanings can also help prevent heart disease, Navy. Tartar buildup on teeth impacts heart health.
Whatever. I just want to keep as many teeth as possible.