01 August 2010


For a while, we went to Church regularly and enjoyed it.
Then I was dismayed at the bitterness displayed by my brothers and sisters during the kerfuffle between the homosexual rights folks and the Boy Scouts. (And that's a whole 'nother blog post for a later date.)
I also realized I was being controlled from on high by "the quarterlies"...
The 4-times a year study guides used by most organized Churches that TELL followers what part of the Bible to study and discuss.

I wrote a similar post four years ago...
I was raised in a Christian family. I like Christian values and believe the world would be a much better place if we all tried to emulate Jesus Christ.
But in all my 63 years I have never been in a Church that studied The Bible in its entirety...
I have NEVER studied "Songs of Solomon" (sometimes referred to as "Song of Songs") in any Church.
Do you know why?
I do.

I've informed our friends at our old Church that we'll return when the quarterlies direct them to Songs of Solomon. In the meantime I'll continue trying to treat my fellow man the way I'd like to be treated.
And unfortunately, I don't expect a call anytime soon.


cary said...

We have studied the Songs of Solomon.

It is a beautifully written book, covering the love between a man and a woman, and doing so in an adult and polite manner.

We loved it.

It was also used as a part of the ongoing "Marriage Seminar" that Pastor picks up and runs with every now and then.

cary said...

Oh, and to help ground yourself in Christian belief, pick up a copy of RC Sproul's Essential Truths of the Christian Faith - one hundred short study chapters on the how and why of Faith in Christ.

CnC said...

Amen brother!

Greybeard said...

Thanks Cary. Sproul's book is on my next Amazon list!