05 May 2012

Strength Comes In Many Forms

She was dying of Cancer.
My friend the Paramedic was watching his Mother slowly, painfully, slip away.
She said, "I need some more pain medicine".
He said, "Mom, if I give you more it will stop your heart".
She was so exhausted she didn't verbally respond, but gave him a "look".
He gave her the morphine and watched her peacefully slip away.

I don't know that I would have that kind of strength.
Would you?


OlePrairiedog said...

Yes, you would have the strength. Especially if you had watched and cared for the patient and knew the pain she was going through.

To Love deeply gives you strength, To be loved deeply gives you courage.

Old NFO said...

If it came down to it, yes I would... Not without nightmares the rest of my life, but I would to ease the pain.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Hope I never find out.

Rita said...

You don't know that you have that strength only because you have not been placed in that situation.

When dad was barely able to swallow it was sometimes difficult to tell if he had gotten the morphine down.

The visiting nurse gave us too very valuable pieces of advice.

First she told us if he did not feel like eating, just don't force him to. We gave him Ensure when he could tolerate it. If not, we just gave him ice chips.

Second, she said if we didn't know if he had actually taken the morphine, just give him another one.

In all honesty, what difference could it possibly make?

I wouldn't even label those decisions as "strengths", they are just decisions made of love.

And they really aren't decisions. They're just things you do to take care of those you love in the last days and hours of their lives.

And there is no regret.

You'd be surprised at the "strengths" you have when it's only helping someone you love.

The Old Man said...

Thank God I have never had to make that decision. I know what I'd like to think, but I don't know if it matches reality....

Gaffer said...

The decision is based on love, and the hope that when your (my) time arrives there will be a loved one present to supervise the medication.

lotta joy said...

We've discussed this at length and my husband has his orders: gimme what I ask for when the time comes. It's MY choice and don't feel guilty for helping me.

cary said...

My Mom passed away, in hospice, two years ago in February. Her last memory was of me and my sister talking to her as a hospice nurse administered a scheduled morphine shot. She passed shortly after.

"Mom" passed this morning, and I last saw her Wednesday afternoon. I was going to see her yesterday after work, but with mechanical issues on the Rhino and then an anniversary dinner with my bride, I didn't get out to see her.

The strength and the need will exist when it is necessary. The willingness and the courage will accompany the first two.