22 April 2009

Scott Stantis- The Birmingham News

(If needed, click it to get an unobstructed view.)


The Old Man said...

Shazz-bot, amigo, de mon has the right of our future....

CnC said...

socialism is not cheap !
people need to read Orwells 1984, I have read it at least 10 times and have the movie on tape. It may soon be a reality. Obama was elected Big Brother not president. Ben Franklin was asked after working on the Constitution "Mr. Franklin, what have you wrought?" He answered " A republic sir, if you can keep it" I don't know Ben, we'll keep you posted.

cary said...

Oh, see? I always thought he was saying "change" like something different from the same ol', same ol'...

Silly me. I need to get my hearing checked.