25 April 2024

My Purple Heart-

My co-worker is young enough to be my son.
He's a good guy and I really like him. Next week Sara Jean, Big Bubba and I will be headed West to Flagstaff, AZ on the Amtrak train and this man will be doing my job. So I've been training him.
Today, the subject came up that my Dad and I are both Purple Heart recipients.
He surprised me with this question-
"How much does your Purple Heart weigh?"

I'm glad he asked. It's an indication of how little many people know about our world these days.
If you also would like an answer to the question, the PH medal weighs a few ounces... no more than the "Good Conduct Medal" I also was awarded. But anyone in the military, when I'm in uniform, will notice that Purple ribbon on my chest, even though it is an equal weight with the other ribbons.

Our country has changed.
FEWER people are signing the "Blank Check" to "Support and Defend" our Constitution these days.
And that fact bothers me a lot.
The fact it doesn't bother others bothers me a lot more.

1 comment:

Well Seasoned Fool said...

My son, the Medic, enjoyed pointing out he had two Good Conduct Medals and I have none. He also had a three row "brick". At Dugway Proving Grounds where he was stationed, he was asked to not wear them as it made some of the other troops feel inadequate!