22 August 2023

"Viet Nam Veteran" Richard Blumenthal

YouTube should be against the law. It's like a drug.

Lately I've been watching videos of "Stolen Valor" by a Navy Seal by the name of Don Shipley.
During the videos Don's language frequently puts me off, but I certainly understand his frustration.
He claims that so far he has exposed 9000 fakers claiming to be Seals.
I believe him. As a Viet Nam Veteran helicopter pilot I too have had many experiences where I met people claiming to have been Huey pilots in Viet Nam, whose claims completely fall apart when details of their service are questioned.

Until recently I thought "Stolen Valor" was simply an irritation I had to put up with. But after watching Don's videos I've learned that IF anything of value is gained by the false claims, that is a CRIME. (That includes that 10% discount at "Hardee's!)

Pictured above is one of the sitting Senators of Connecticut, Richard Blumenthal.
Little Richard campaigned as a Viet Nam Veteran and won his election. I vomit a little in my mouth every time I see him on TV because he NEVER served in Viet Nam.
This fact is now common knowledge.
Little Richard has apologized for misspeaking.

Can winning an election to the U.S. Senate be considered gaining a thing of value due to Stolen Valor?
I think so.
Why is this liar still in the Senate?

If you have the stomach for it, search YouTube for "Don Shipley Stolen Valor".
They're entertaining.


Well Seasoned Fool said...

He is a P.O.S.

Then we have Al Gore. He was in Vietnam, enlisted Combat Engineer. At the time his father was a sitting Senator. I have friends with first hand knowledge that he was always in the rear and was kept out of harms way. To be fair, he may not have had a chance to do otherwise. No career officer was going to let a Senator's son come to harm in his command.

Then there is John Kerry. I worked with a man, Frank Schmidt, who was an engine man in a boat moored next to Kerry. Frank said, yes, Kerry went into harms way. He said Kerry soon found a way out. He and some of his fellow officer wrote each other up for medals that likely weren't earned. Frank went on to say he was glad he wasn't on Kerry's boat; that Kerry was an impulsive fuck up who didn't know what he didn't know.

Old NFO said...

Agree with WSF. I also have a friend that served with Kerry and absolutely hated him, saying that he was not dependable at all.