02 August 2023

It's "Just A Dog".


Delivering "Meals on Wheels" we have one stop that inevitably pisses me off:
The dog is chained to it's dog house. It's been chained there so long all the grass within the length of the chain is gone exposing bare soil that turns to mud when it rains. Because of that she ALWAYS needs a good bath.
She's being fed and watered, but I think that's the extent of the care she gets from her "owners".
The dog is a sweetie. I'm guessing she's a Samoyed mix. When I pull up in the van to deliver the client's meal she perks up. She knows I'm going to not only pay attention to her, I always give her a Milk Bone treat.
I'm just sad I can only brighten her day on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I've never understood how anyone can do this to an animal. I've pretty much had dogs and cats ALWAYS in my life. My exposure to them has shown me that they are all individuals with separate personalities. But one thing has pretty much remained constant with them all-
They are loyal and devoted to us. And some of them (the dogs) would willingly give their lives trying to protect us. Seeing this dog chained in the mud breaks my heart.

Our Chihuahua mix "Chico" passed away Sunday night. The post below this one will update you as to why. Losing him was... beyond hard.
Burying him was harder.
While I was present at home he was stuck to me like an extremity.
Getting accustomed to his absence is gonna take a while. Right now I'm seeing him everywhere, anytime something moves near me. Tears come easily.

When they die it hurts like heck.
But the memories of good times and the love he shared are irreplaceable.


Old NFO said...

Condolences. They truly DO give their all.

Lynn said...

I am so sorry for your loss!

glasslass said...

They are never "just a dog" they fill so much space in our lives. Mine has been gone now 10 days and my throat get tight and eyes want to water. Darn hay fever. Am so sorry for your loss.

Gerry said...

Sorry for your loss.


Greybeard said...

Thank GOD time does heal. Like me, I hope you can dwell on LOTS of good memories.

Thanks for sharing that vid.

jeff d said...

Suggest you go to the meals on wheels person that does not care for their dog and ask to take the dog.