10 August 2023

Climate Change Worry

PBS is running a blurb about the people who are "anxious" about how climate change in the world is impacting them.
How sad. I'm not sure my input would make them feel any better-

The population of China is now (about) 1,500,000,000.
The population of India is now (about) 1,500,000,000.
Total population of those countries: 3 BILLION SOULS.
Population of the U.S.? ONE TENTH of that total.

China is opening a new COAL FIRED powerplant every week.
The people of India burn cow dung, (they pick it up free off the street) to prepare their meals and heat their abodes.
They are NOT signatories to any agreement to control climate change.

Ever hear the term "Drop in a bucket"?
Our worries about climate change accomplish little to nothing.

I refuse to worry about it.


Rain Trueax said...

I don't worry about climate change but do about those trying to use it to ruin our lives.

Old NFO said...

Same here...

Gerry said...

Why any POTUS would agree to world wide environmental control exempting China and India is beyond belief, yet Bush and Obama both did.

Congress showed some courage and said no way.