03 February 2022

Picasso. Dali. Grandma Moses.

I'm NO art expert, but I know what I like when I see it.
I've always found Salvador Dali's work interesting.
Picasso? I can do that crap myself.
And the stuff the experts turn up their noses at?
Like Norman Rockwell...
I sure wish I had bought a ton of his work while "experts" were ridiculing it!


Well Seasoned Fool said...

I can appreciate creations by people with talents but claim no expertise. Mid 60's, saw Rembrandt's Night Watch in a museum in Amsterdam and was impressed.

Old NFO said...

Regardless of the artist, there are those that love and those that hate them... sigh

Ed Bonderenka said...

How Jackson Pollack made a living is beyond me.

Steve said...

Haven't seen a post in a while, hope all is well.

Greybeard said...

Thanks for caring, Steve.
While I was still flying it was easy to be emotionally motivated to put fingers to keyboard. Since retiring, that ain't been the case.
I just started working part-time at a new job and maybe that will now change.
Check out my latest post.
And thanks again man. It's nice to know my words impact others.