18 July 2009

Bumper Sticker Seen Today:


Jack L. Poller said...

These have been around for years in the People's Republic of Berkeley (California).

Typically, the cars that sport these are seen at "peace rallies". These are the anti-US, anti-globalism, anti-Israel, pro-hamas, pro-plo, pro-hizbollah, pro-Iran hate-fests.

What is truly enjoyable is to watch the gays/lesbians protesting against Israel and supporting the Islamic terrorists - when Israel is the only country in the middle east that tolerates homosexuality.

CJ said...

My niece has one on her car. She's a hard working advocate for children with special needs after working hard to earn her master's in social work. While I believe the opinion expressed by the bumper sticker - that we should all just get along - is naive, I don't necessarily wish for to become as disillusioned as I am. I'd like her to keep her dreams for a litle longer... but I know reality will come along sooner than later.


Greybeard said...

I smiled when I saw this sticker CJ. Wouldn't it be great if we all could just enjoy and learn from one another?
But there's a problem, isn't there? For those of you that haven't seen it, go to CJ's blog and take a look at her post/video about the Islamic festival in Dearborn, Michigan. It's an eye-opener.
Not possible with folks like that.

CJ said...

Well, you know, there is a way for us to get along. We simply have to accept Sharia law, declare life doesn't begin until the fetus is actually outside of the mother (and maybe not even then), old people don't deserve medical care because they're just going to die anyway, white people are all racist, homophobic, in-bred warmongers...

Feel free to add your addition to the list.


cary said...

The very existence of the islamic crescent as the "C" is very telling - telling that whoever thought up this pablum didn't research ALL the "religions" involved in the word.

islam is the one religion that says to coexist is against their doctrine. How do you peacefully coexist with someone who wants you subjugated or dead?

CJ, there is a difference between "disillusioned" and "woefully under-informed" - you know what I'm saying, right?

CJ said...

Cary -

Yes, I do, and I have times when I think she is the latter rather than waiting to be the former. She's got that mindset that is so common these days and it bothers me at times. But, she's an amazing young woman overall and dedicated to helping 'her' kids out. Things can't be all bad, ya know?


cary said...

A slow and gentle education into "how it really is" should do the trick. I have confidence in you, cj.