Stop Light Cameras
It's time to revolt. I have never had a personal experience with these things, but I don't like 'em, just on the principle of the thing. Do they really send out citations to owners of the cars whose plates are photographed? How do they know who is actually driving the car? What if it's my identical twin? Didn't know I had an identical twin? (Shut up Mom, I'm beginning a revolt here.)I've done a little checking at, but they don't answer my question there-When I go out with my pellet gun, will anyone be watching me when I shoot the lens out on this thing? Do they just take pictures of cars going through interstections, or will I need to be dressed in a Burkha?
"Do they really send out citations to owners of the cars whose plates are photographed?"
Answer: Yes.
A co-worker of mine rented a car with our company card, and got his picture snapped while running a red light. The ticket went straight to the owner of the credit card used to rent the car: Our boss!
It's hard to tell which are the cameras that record illegal vehicle activity or the other kind. They found it's easier/less expensive to mount cameras, used as motion detectors, than it is to embed wires in the pavement, used to detect vehicles, to control when traffic lights need to change. Easy to get paranoid isn't it! LOL
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