Once again, it's State Fair time, and that means I get to participate in the annual Ping-Pong ball drop. This year I was lucky enough to have John on the ground assisting, and he took a few photos to share with ya:

The lovely Melissa came along for the second year to be the official "ball disperser". You can see that the balls are different colors, with different symbols on them. Prizes are awarded to balls as to colors and symbols.
It takes extraordinary skill to properly drop the balls out of that box! Thanks Melissa, great job!

Kids line up on both sides of the field and wait for the signal to "GO!" after we fly by and drop the ping-pong balls.

Ya gotta come in at the correct altitude and heading, taking the wind into consideration, in order to get an even distribution of balls so the kids aren't mugging one another to collect them.
(Click to enlarge and you can actually see the balls.)

It was a little warm, but otherwise a great day for the event.
Last year the field was muddy, and kids ended up with wet feet while skampering around to pick up the booty.
This year the field was perfect!

Pretty shot, huh?
Man, I love helicopters!
Still, I wonder what I'll do for a living when I grow up?

Mission completed, I landed and dropped Melissa off, then picked up Gene, the photographer for our local newspaper to take some pictures of the Fairgrounds.
Here we are landing, so I can shut down and rub elbows with the adoring crowd of folks 12 years old and younger and answer their questions...
What a great job!