31 March 2024
Peter's Testimony
I LOVE the Dolly Parton version, but post this version hoping to impact a different audience this Easter.
20 March 2024
Too Old To Drive?
At what point in life should you hand over your keys?
I think that certainly must be examined on an individual basis. I began to be frightened with my Dad's driving when he was 78+-, but that fear was influenced by the fact that macular degeneration was beginning to be a factor with him. He drove FAST. And I didn't think his vision and reaction time were sufficient for his physical condition.
I just turned 77. Of course, I feel perfectly safe to drive. But am I?
I find myself being distracted by stupid stuff these days. (What's that bright shiny object over there?!)
More and more I'm getting a "buzz" from the rumble strips we find alongside our highways these days-
Thank Goodness for 'em.
I had a friend (named "Finis", believe it or not. His parents decided he absolutely was their LAST child!)
Finis's car, a BIG Ford LTD, had battle scars all over it. Finis smiled and said he "Parked by feel".
I tried to keep my car as far away as possible from where I knew Finis would be parking his TANK.
I don't wanta be like Finis.
But I sure understand what it is like to be facing the situation where I have to forfeit my key FOB.
What d'ya think? When should it be apparent that a "Seasoned Citizen" should resort to calling a cab?
17 March 2024
I was kidnapped by my Federal Government in 1966.
The letter informing me I would be kidnapped was quite friendly:
You are hereby ordered to report for induction into the Armed Forces of the United States, and to report at..."(followed by the place, date, and time I was to be abducted.)
Today I was thinking-
Nineteen year old kids today have nervous breakdowns if they are told "No". They need "Safe rooms" to retreat to if things in life begin to get a little tense.
How would they handle if they received such a letter today, knowing it might result in them giving their life in the defense of the country?
I'll answer that question with a question-
How are all our services doing with recruiting these days?
04 March 2024
Becoming "Mig Pilot"-
I'm almost there with my government today.
Black is white.
Our economy is wonderful.
And there is NO PROBLEM at our border.
My problem? (Maybe my salvation!)
I know about "Winston Smith".
And for that I thank George Orwell.