02 June 2022

The Anal "Root Canal"

My bride and I are undergoing "formation colonoscopies" tomorrow.
Over 50 years of age?
Have you had one?
You must.

The procedure RUINS two full days. The "prep" for the procedure requires you to drink a gallon of nasty-tasting fine plastic goop that is indigestible. By the time you finish the final few glasses of what is euphemistically called "Golightly", you MUST be close to a commode because that stuff is gonna be in your body for just a few seconds.

But this discomfort is important. During the probe, the Doc finds stuff (polyps) in your colon that might cause future problems, and "nips them in the bud", negating future problems.

So RIGHT NOW I start drinking this horrible liquid. And our next 24 hours will be devoted to "heading off at the pass" cancerous bad stuff.
It's horrible.
But necessary.
And at 75 and in great health, I'm glad our medical technology is there to improve our future.


Old NFO said...

Hope you took a book to the can. You're gonna be there a 'while'... Maybe two books...

Ed Bonderenka said...

I had told to the doc that some medicine that he had prescribed did not seem to be working.
Did the colonoscopy. I woke up and his first words were "Guess what we found?".
A little scary.
What he found was the little pills, undissolved, in the lining of my colon.

Greybeard said...

Ed, don't know if it's true, but...
I have read that the guys that provide "Porta Potties" find undissolved pills in the reservoirs of those things all the time.

Greybeard said...

SJ had eight polyps.
I had four, but apparently mine were much bigger.
They're no longer there, lurking to cause later big problems.