05 April 2021

"It's not fair..."

Sara Jean says, "It's not fair. Women get old, wrinkly and ugly. Men get older, more rugged, and handsome."
But that's only true with some-
We watched "Executive Suite" with Barbara Stanwyck this morning.
A WONDERFUL, talented actress, she got prettier as she aged. In "The Big Valley" I thought she was beautiful.
And Errol Flynn certainly did not die a "rugged, handsome" man.

Genetics play a huge hand.
But environment and attitude also play a major role, don't they?


Old NFO said...

Genetics for the win... sigh

Well Seasoned Fool said...

I can appreciate a fine looking female of any age but will spend my time with a smart woman with spunk who has all her *&*& in one duffel bag.

Greybeard said...

Confidence AND intelligence go a LONG way toward making someone interesting and attractive. I think that goes for both (MANY?) sexes.
But a nice face is like a bouquet of flowers.

Rain Trueax said...

I've thought of this since I first read it a while back. Men have the advantage of beards/goatees/mustaches to hide some of the aging thing. Women can have face work done but that ends up looking like plastic-- not appealing to me. I've decided it's best to settle for looking old but nice :). Incidentally, I've seen some old women who actually look better than when they were young-- not sure what that's about :)

Greybeard said...

So you agree with my comment about Barbara Stanwyck, Rain?

Rain Trueax said...

Yes, she was always beautiful to me but they claim she was prettier when old. I read that she had no facial work done :). I was thinking though of my pastor's wife some years back and not sure why she was prettier when old.