03 August 2020

A Blur Of Black

It's true that time heals wounds. But WOW, three weeks later we still tear up at the loss.

She was a street find. We quickly realized she was easily trained. She was quiet, social, and gentle.
We were hers 14 years.
And losing her to cancer made me wonder- How do parents who lose children function at all?

We were blessed to share her life.
And we'll never forget our Lucy.


Old NFO said...

Ouch, so sorry to hear that.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

They own a piece of our hearts.

The Old Man said...

Tis a terrible thing indeed that their lives are so short compared to ours. But at least you shared a path for a while. Stewie is 17 and failing. I will shortly have the same pain in my heart you and Sara Jean do, amigo. Remember the good years. We're not that far from the Rainbow Bridge ourselves.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Yep. This one will be my last.

Joe said...

I am sorry for your loss

Steve said...

So sorry for your loss, they are family.

Greybeard said...

Thank you all for your kind words.
They're all special.
This one was special special.