30 December 2019

Music's Impact

I'm in a melancholy mood. A family emergency is unfolding.
My Bride and Son are in Chicago, providing comfort and support to my extended family.
I'm left alone in Arizona caring and supporting our aged pup, Lucy.

At times like these my mind thinks of songs that fit my mood.
Today, this piece by Elton John is one of those.
I had never researched the situation that motivated him to write it.
If you are interested, the story is HERE.


Old NFO said...

Thoughts and prayers.

The Old Man said...

Good luck with the emergency, amigo. I know you wouldn't be in this mood for a teetee emergency so hang in there as best you can. The Bosslady and I will keep y'all in our prayers.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Once again, my condolences.