23 November 2023

Turkey Day?

Thanksgiving Day 2023-
We are in Port in Manzanillo, Mexico on the "Norwegian Bliss".
In the Cruise Director's initial welcome talk we were informed just over half of the 4000 "guests" here are U.S. Citizens. When we booked this trip we figured there'd be some semblance of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and that assumption was correct. The daily newsletter that tells us what activities to expect on the ship says there'll be plenty of Turkey and trimmings.
(Sara Jean will be looking to see if there are Deviled Eggs... one of HER family's Thanksgiving staples. ;>) )

As always I'll point out that we need to thank GOD for the folks out there at work, away from their loved ones on this day.
Lots of personnel at Niagara Falls will be hard at work today.

To my like-minded readers-
I've come to know and care for MANY of you. I hope this holiday leaves you smiling.

To those who are not like-minded-
Look at the world you are voting for. What the HECK is wrong with you?

1 comment:

Greybeard said...

(There were NO Deviled Eggs!)