16 December 2015

"I Don't Know All The Facts"...

I, alias "Greybeard", knew enough facts at this point to understand that we as a people, and our Law Enforcement personnel specifically, were in BIG trouble.
Black lives mattered from the outset, didn't they?


Old NFO said...

Of course they did... Agenda driven...

Ingineer66 said...

He has used that "I don't know all the facts, but..." and then ran his mouth a few times during his tenure in the White House. The funniest part of this speech now is that he says that he would get shot breaking into the White House. Now we know the Secret Service is more concerned with drinking and prostitutes to actually be guarding the building.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Wow, I thought I commented earlier.
He didn't see it on the cable news shows...
that's why he don't know all the facts.