26 October 2011

"No Drugs Were Found in her System"

CBS, and other news sources today:
"But her blood alcohol content was FIVE TIMES the legal limit."

I think we need more drug education in SOME circles.


CnC said...

I never got the whole Amy Winehouse thing, I watched her on TV once just to see and I could not take more than a couple of songs. Like fingernails on a chalkboard.

CJ said...

Five times the limit?

The limit here, in Michigan, is a .08

Five times that puts her up around a .40...

That's enough alcohol in your system to kill you.

And you're right, of course. The media needs to learn alcohol is a drug.


Greybeard said...

I don't know much about her art, Cnc. I liked "Rehab", which is prescient, isn't it?

Tolerance, CJ...
I've seen guys walk into ER's with a blood alcohol content of .45 and tell the nurses which drugs they're "allergic" to, hoping to score some great stuff.
Crazy world...
And more Amy Winehouses out there than we can imagine.

Scotty said...

I'm amused when I sometimes watch "COPS" on FOX when a cop will ask some "good 'ol boy" have you been drinking tonight? And, the answer is no, I just had some beers.....

CJ said...

GB -


Like the tolerance it would take a college student to blow over a .40 on a PBT and still be alert enough to argue with police?

Yeah. It's a great thing.


Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Like you, Greybeard, my job has had me witness more than my share of functioning alcoholics. Of course I've seen guys booked into the jail with a 4.0, and they're standing up. Not impossible at all.

And HELLO! Amy WINEhouse! Clue??


cary said...

Back when I was a professional alcoholic, I regularly blew anywhere between .30 and .60 when I woke up in the morning.

I would have a couple beers to clear my head.

A .40 is doable, but not your first time out. Kinda like flying a helicopter.