24 October 2011

I No Longer Speak The Language of My Countrymen

Someone PLEASE translate what this woman is saying:


Red Shoes said...


Protesting against our equality and freedom???



Well Seasoned Fool said...

I don't know what she is saving, you know? but she gives the impression of being, or wanting to be, a college student, you know? and she is disturbed, you know? when riding public surface transportation, you know?

Themav1977 said...

She's saying its all "their" fault. They are all saying that. "Their" being whoever the strawman is a given moment

Old NFO said...

No clue...

Rita said...

Translation: "Where's my Obama money?"

CnC said...

uhhh that makes perfect sense when you compare her to the rest of those dumbasses. She is just as brilliant as the rest of them. They all sound like that. If you could harness the brain power of all the O.W.'s you could light one LED

Scotty said...

Perhaps a little THC might help you sort it out, GB.

Timothy Frazier said...

Translation to semi street english:
Dubya's fault.
Odumba promised.
Odumba messiah.
Eat da rich.

...definitely running an IQ deficit at every one of those "occupy X" gatherings.

the golden horse said...

When you get the decoders to translate this, please publish, cause hubby and I were laughing too hard to understand a word. We just looked at each other and said, uh?