10 February 2023


Our neighbor..Two doors down.
On our daily walks we'd have to stop at his fenced-in yard and "give a little love" to this dog-
A 100+ pound walking mass of "give me some attention" canine named "Bear".
He wanted "some" attention, but after a few ear scratches and some "whatagoodboys!" he would have enough of that and wander away.
This was an almost daily experience.

BIG dogs live, on average, about 10 years... 12, IF you are fortunate.
Bear is 14.
And tomorrow, he will be no more. Our neighbor has resigned himself that Bear's quality of life is just not there.

Tonight we went over to say our goodbyes. Bear paced the floor... he cannot get comfortable. He begs to go outside, then begs to come back in after a few minutes.
Several times while we watched- his back legs gave out on him and his butt hit the floor.
Trying to comfort his owner we assured him-
"Yes, you're making the right decision".
I cry...And feel somewhat stupid that I'm crying.
This isn't even MY dog. But it IS a friend of sorts.

Many times I have commented that we invite these fellow living creatures into our lives knowing from the outset that in 10-15 years we will suffer heartbreak that will make us miserable.
And still we do it- because the positives SO FAR outweigh the negatives!
Bear has been a now-and-then bright spot in our life.

And we will miss him.


Rain Trueax said...

I always feel so bad even when it's something I read here. We have two cats we are facing that sadly hopefully in the future. I've seen it so many times since I've always lived with pets. It never gets easier. So sad. Rain

Greybeard said...

I hope I misread that Rain.
I sure hope my posts don't make you sad.
I read your post about your "Tigger", and know you have room in your heart for critters.
And they DO NOT make us sad.
Thanks for your comment.

Well Seasoned Fool said...

Banner is around 10 and getting grey. I know the day will come.

Greybeard said...

My GOOD virtual friend,
I'll hope for several more years.

Anonymous said...

Jan of 2009 we adopted an abused dog that vet estimated at three to four years old. Surprisingly and grateful she is still with me 14 years later. But at 16/17 it's starting with the back leg going out and the hitches in her steps so once again I'm facing that same loss. Neighbor who had a dust mop he walked everyday and I cried almost as much as he did when her time ended. Your friend is a gorgeous dog.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Our puppy of 13 years has a huge lesion on her hindquarter that appeared about 6 months ago as a small pepperoni.
She doesn't complain, and she gets a lot more treats than she ever did before.
But the day is soon.

Old NFO said...

Truly sad, and nothing wrong with feeling that way.

Gaffer said...

We will light a candle tonight to help guide
Bear over the Rainbow bridge