16 March 2022

"Classic TV" Blondes

 Lola Albright, 1924-2017

Lois Nettleton, 1927-2008

Susan Oliver, 1932-1990

We've been watching a lot of old-time TV lately. "The Fugitive". Alfred Hitchcock's half hour and hour long show. "Route 66". "The Twilight Zone". "Thriller". "The Outer Limits".
It's fun to watch the (first?) appearance of some folks that became BIG stars later in these shows.

You're lookin' at three I had a teenage crush on "back when". And I bet all three vied for the same roles in these shows.

Susan Oliver's life was too short... I think I commented in an earlier post about the amount of smoking in these shows. She was a heavy smoker and died of lung CA.
I was surprised to read she co-piloted the winning aircraft in the 1970 Powder Puff Derby after overcoming a big scare in a commercial aircraft a few years earlier.

All their stories are interesting and worth a little research.


Ed Bonderenka said...

No Barbara Eden?

Greybeard said...

Interesting, Ed.
I checked, and she was in an episode of "Route 66"... season four.
We're now watching season two of that series. I might have added her had we seen that show.
But she certainly falls into the "Classic TV Blonde" category!

Old NFO said...

Beautiful ladies!