Vincent. Brough. Henderson. Excelsior. Ariel.
Those brands are familiar.
A new marque to me. (And doesn't that engine look like an old boxer BMW?)
It's British. Owned by the brothers Douglas, the company was the first to experiment with disc brakes on their racing bikes (in the 1920's!)
If you'd like to learn more about the Douglas "Dragonfly", go HERE.
Ah, British motorcycles and sports cars. Only for the obsessed youth and the mature with lots of disposable income. All others are just, in British terms, bonkers.
For the even further deranged, try Italian.
Actually, I think that's a way cool looking bike. . .
Merry Christmas, sir!
Cool! I'd never heard of them, either. By the way, you HAVE GOT to see the movie "One Week". See the review over at my place. But take heed of the warning I issue in the last sentence. Can't have you scooting across the continental divide while you're supposed to be flying around res-a-cuing folks.
Wow, I've NEVER heard of them! Thanks for the education (again)!
WV- MARSA We 'know' what that means...
The Douglas Dragonfly as pictured was a 350cc ohv horizontally opposed engined motor cycle with earls front forks and built by Douglas motorcycles in Bristol UK from 1953 until 1957.
I believe the Douglas Vespa scooter was built at the same factory.
I completely rebuilt my 1957 Dragonfly and had many tours on it including a tour of France Switzerland and Italy. I was based in Chippenham Wiltshire.
I loved the handling of the Dragonfly and it was great fun to ride.
Any information may be obtained from Peter
Douglas Dragonfly 350CC 1953 - 57 - completely rebuilt and well toured. Built by Douglas motorcycles Bristol UK
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